Environmental efforts often involve aspects of human behavior, yet many initiatives lack strategies informed by behavioral science to create long-lasting change. Policy makers and conservationists need effective tools and resources to understand the factors that drive human decision-making. This gap prevents environmental initiatives from achieving their full potential impact.
Root Solutions applies behavioral science insights to design better systems and programs that reflect how people actually make decisions. Their book, Making Shift Happen, provides A to Z guidance for conservationists and policymakers on how to create successful behavior change initiatives, from identifying the right audience to designing, prototyping, and implementing interventions. With funding already in place for purchasing 300 books, Root Solutions now aims to distribute these copies to influential environmental catalysts and decision-makers to promote the integration of behavioral science in environmental efforts.
HCF is supporting Root Solutions in its mission to shift the focus of environmental funding toward strategies that consider human behavior, by enabling the distribution of these books. While the grant cycle does not allow for a direct measurement of shifts in funding, the project will gauge success by tracking whether 10% of the recipient organizations engage in follow-up conversations to discuss the application of the book’s concepts to their projects.
With HCF’s support, Root Solutions: